Studs and Bitches

Here's our current studs and bitches…

Meet the family - John Lo...Hunting Dogs Christchurch

Well, this is what I call the best of both worlds.

Take a pure-bred black Labrador, they have been around since day-dot, they are used for the blind, they take 200-or-so commands, they are very intelligent, they are used for drug dogs, great for retrieving ducks and they as they are workers!

I can keep going… they have a bit of attitude, they can stand you up – they have got good aggression – good guard dogs. Very very clever and loyal.

So when you put that over a Greyhound that is very fast, and very intelligent as well, we suddenly have a deadly combination for hunting.

Some of the male dogs have a bit of staunch, but all have speed and intelligence.

They are thinking dogs. They work for you. They are an advantage to you.

They are awesome in the right hands.

With many years of experience, I breed them right.

This is my secret – my line breed – proven to work for you.

Once they turn four and have proved themselves to a level that I am happy with, I start breeding from them.

Keeping the line young and vibrant means all of a sudden we get a 99% success rate in terms of having an above average ability.

That's the guarantee.

Call me today to book a time to visit the family… you won't regret it.